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Department of Transport Impact Evaluation and Education (O33)

The department is focused on three fields. The first field includes the evaluation of transport impacts from traffic-engineering viewpoint with the use of road accident data as well as other methods (observation of traffic conflicts, assessment of design consistency, etc.). A part of it includes public transport and performance and evaluation of its surveys. The second field is focused on economic evaluation of transport impacts (externalities), financial calculations of losses from road accidents and their impact on stakeholders. The third field is focused on traffic education and training. It concerns production of methodological materials for teachers, students and other people active in the field of traffic education and subsequent implementation of those materials.

Our researchers are involved in research, development and expert activities. Their results serve as source materials for the mentioned evaluation, decision-making and management. Examples are as follows:

  • development and application in practice of innovative road safety evaluation methods, such as statistical evaluation of road safety measures effectiveness, observation of traffic conflicts, evaluation of design consistency, road accident prediction models, multi-factor analyses, and composite indicators,
  • evaluation of economic activity and effectiveness of projects and programmes funded from the Damage Prevention Fund,
  • development of guidelines for evaluation of transport impacts (transport externalities), particularly society losses from road accidents, their continual improvements and application in annual evaluation in the national level, and calculation of impacts of losses for the State and involved stakeholders,
  • use of cost-benefit analysis, effectiveness analysis and other methods for economic evaluation of transport impacts,
  • production of a case-law database related to pain compensation, in cooperation with Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, used for support and unification of the decision-making process related to non-material health damage,
  • development and application of methodologies of traffic education and training, whether they concern nursery schools, children traffic parks, eTests or LARP method application,
  • production of brochures focused on safe movement of an organized formation of pedestrians and children in road traffic, production of educative videospots in the field of traffic education,
  • preparation and application of educative materials and programmes for students at all levels:
    • Virtual traffic education
    • Education of young people in sustainable transport
    • Children in traffic

We participate in important national and European projects, cooperate with state and public administrations, universities, and private organizations. We publish certified guidelines, provide services and consultancy. You can see outcomes of our work on the pages of the Road Safety Observatory, Children in Traffic, and in other media, as well as in scientific journals and in international conferences. Some recent examples are as follows:

  • Brochure – Movement of Organized Group of Children (2020, CDV)
  • Brochure – Movement of Organized Formation of Pedestrians (2019, CDV)
  • Certified Guidelines for Traffic Education for Day Care Centres and Non-school Facilities (2018, CDV)
  • Certified Guidelines for Traffic Education for Nursery Schools (2018, CDV)
  • Certified Guidelines for Calculation of Losses from Road Accidents (2017, CDV)
  • AMBROS, Jiří, Richard TUREK, Jan ELGNER et al. Effectiveness Evaluation of Section Speed Control in Czech Motorway Work Zones. Safety [on-line]. 2020, vol. 6, no. 3 [cit. 2020-08-15].
  • AMBROS, J., PERŮTKA, J., SKLÁDANÝ, P., TUČKA, P. (2020). Enhancing the insight into Czech railway level crossings’ safety performance. International Journal of Rail Transportation, 8(1): 99–108.
  • KIEĆ, M., AMBROS, J., BĄK, R., GOGOLÍN, O. (2019). Evaluation of safety effect of turbo-roundabout lane dividers using floating car data and video observation. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 125: 302–310.
  • ŠUSTROVÁ, T., ZŮVALA, R., AMBROS, J. (2018). Increasing traffic safety awareness in Czech kindergartens through a safety education programme (Fourth International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering, Belgrade, 796–802).
  • Improving the Self-explaining Performance of Czech National Roads (Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2017)
  • How do we perceive traffic risk? (International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering 2016)
  • Developing Updatable Crash Prediction Model for Network Screening (Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2016)
  • New perspectives in traffic education: live-action role playing as a new method of teaching (International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends 2014)
  • New Approach to Evaluation of Socio-economic Losses Caused by Traffic (TRB 93rd Annual Meeting 2014)