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Innovation of rehabilitation programmes for drivers: Neuro-beha­vioural evaluation of empathy training

Project title: Inovace rehabilitačních programů pro řidiče: Neurobehaviorální evaluace tréninku empatie
Subsidy provider: Grantová agentura ČR, program: Standardní projekty


A new rehabilitation programme for drivers based on empathy and an interactive neuro-behavioural paradigm was developed within the project. This aim required an interdisciplinary team of psychotherapists with experience in drivers’ rehabilitation and neuro-scientists who are able to detect brain activity of two interacting people simultaneously (“hyperscanning”). Such neuro-scientific protocols allowed for neuro-behavioural evaluation of social-emotional behaviour before and after the empathy training. In case of a success, the application of this behaviourally-intervention programme can be extended, apart from drivers’ rehabilitation, to other forms of antisocial behaviour. In addition, the project introduced a sophisticated neuroscientific paradigm with the use of which the neurophysiology of social-emotional behaviour can be investigated as when occurring in real social interactions.


Průběh skupinového programu pro řidiče, kteří přišli o řidičské oprávnění v rámci realizovaného projektu
Ukázka nácviku první pomoci v rámci rehabilitačního programu pro řidiče
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