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Visit of delegations from the Western Balkans

At the CDV we welcomed representatives from the Western Balkan countries, namely Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina. They came to the Czech Republic to attend a conference organised by the Ministry of Industry and Trade as part of the Czech presidency of the Council of the EU. The theme of the conference was financial support and knowledge transfer to the countries that are preparing to join the EU. At CDV we presented our research activities and the possibilities of cooperation with an emphasis on improving transport safety and infrastructure. The most discussed topics were the possibilities of sustainable urban mobility, traffic modelling and cycling concepts. We also gave the delegates a tour of our accredited laboratories, where they could see how, for example, air pollution measurements are evaluated.

Návštěva delegací ze západního Balkánu-1
Návštěva delegací ze západního Balkánu-2
Návštěva delegací ze západního Balkánu-3
Návštěva delegací ze západního Balkánu-4